Print ISSN: 0861-6663 Online ISSN: 1314-8710
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 (1983) |
Dynamical Interaction between Liquid and a Semi-Infinite Equidistant Row of Cylindrical Shells V. Dzhupanov, D. Karagyozova |
Dynamics of a Contactlessly Suspended Solid Body Y. Martinenko
The paper was presented at the 4th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna 1981. It exposes results on the investigation of a conducting solid body motion in a rotating magnetic field, whereas body has an arbitrary tensor of polarizability.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 011-014 (1983)
Control Synthesis of Manipulator Dynamics in Handling Opera P. Kiryazov, P. Marinov Inst. Mech. Biomech., Bulg, Acad. Sci., Bl. 8 Ceo Milev
Direct method for a control synthesis of manipulator dynamics in handling operations is suggested. Simultaneous starting of the joint motions is supposed and signs of general velocities are not changing during the manipulator motion. Numerical simulation of the method is performed by using a manipulator model and introducing cylindrical coordinates.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 015-020 (1983), [Full Article]
A Generalized Method Determining the Setting of Bevel and Hypoid Gear Cutters Z. Wojcik
The paper was presented at the 4th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna 1981.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 021-027 (1983)
The Gyro Force Effect on the Free Oscillations of a Single-Disk Cylindric Shaft Fixed in Anisotropic Elastic Manner V. Kortenska High. Inst. Arch. Civ. Eng., Hr. Smirnenski Blvd., Sofia
Equations for small free torsion oscillations of a single-disk shaft are presented, using the principle of angular momentum conservation. However, shaft's left edge is stiffly fixed, while right edge (where the disk is placed) is fixed elastically. Shaft does not undergo bending. Solution peculiarities which take into account the gyro force occurrence are studied. Results obtained reflect the entire phenomenon.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 028-033 (1983)
Dynamical Interaction between Liquid and a Semi-Infinite Equidistant Row of Cylindrical Shells V. Dzhupanov, D. Karagyozova Inst. Mech. Biomech., Bulg. Acad. Sci., BI. 8, Geo Milev
Steady oscillations of a row of vertical circular cylindrical bars (shells), immersed in water of constant depth, are considered. Water is considered to be shallow and unbounded, whereas bars are treated as supports of a scaffold bridge. Sincerow is taken to be semi-infinite, the end effect on shells' hydrodynamic loading is determined. An estimate, determining from which shell on the row is treated as an infinite one, is obtained.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 034-044 (1983)
Applied Programme Modelling the Cyclic Elasto-plastic Loading during Forming of Curved Rolled Sections T. Trufkin Inst. Metal Res. Techn. Met., Bulg. Acad. Sci., 53 Chapaev Str. |
On an Extremal Problem for the Minimization of the Resistance of Cavitation Resisitant Profiles under a Given Lift K. Varsamov1, I. Nedyalkov1, P. Petrova1, V. Hadjimihalev2 1Inst. Nucl. Res. Techn., Bulg. Acad. Sci. 2Inst. Nav. Hydr., Varna
The paper was presented at the 4th Natinal Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna 1981.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 048-058 (1983)
Numerical Modelling of a Combustion Spot Propagation under Natural Convection G. Mahviladze, I. Nikolova Inst. Mech. Biomech., Bulg. Acad. Sci., Bl. 8 Geo Milev
A combustion spot propagation is investigated numerically, whereas fuel fills up a closed vessel and ignition takes place near vessel's bottom or upper wall. Data on temperature, concentration and velocity fields are obtained. They allow for discovering the appearance of "whirl ring" or 'mushroom's hat" enclosing the circulating gas. What is illustrated is that for ignition at the upper part of the vessel and after a certain elevation period, flowing-along the upper wall and a plane flame propagation downwards takes place. Combustion concentration limits for both schemes are studied.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 059-064 (1983)
A Method for Solving Systems of Linear Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics D. Kolarov Inst. Mech., Biomech., Bulg. Acad. Sci.,Bl. 8 Geo Milev
Most problems in the mechanics of deformable solids are reduced to the solution or investigation of systems of linear partial differential equation. The basic principles of a method for the solution of problems involving complex boundaries and various boundary conditions, are exposed. Application to systems of equations valid for bodies and media with full or partial anisotropy, as well as to the equations of the micropolar theory of elasticity (the Cosserat continuum) is illustrated. Numerical solutions for complex cases in design and practice could be effectively realized by using modern computers.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 065-071 (1983), [Full Article]
Investigation of the Stability of a Circular Cylindrical Shell by the Finite Element Method P. Kolev High. Inst. Arch. Civ. Eng., 1 Hr. Smirnenski Blvd.
Stability of a circular cylindrical shell subjected to axial uniformly distributed load and with an arbitrary end supporting is considered. The local initial imperfection in the middle surface of the shell is taken into consideration by means of a hydrostatic fictitious loading. The problem is solved by using the geometrical nonlinear theory and including the so called "moments of higher order". A variational approach is used to check up the idea for the "equality of rights" of displacements and stresses in the finite element method.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 072-080 (1983)
Solving Problems on Optimal Desing of Nonhomogenious Elastic Structures by Means of Structurally Anisotropic Materials A. Cherkaev |
Post Critical Deformation of Thin Elastic Orthotropic Shells with Linear Heredity. Part 1 Y. Ivanova Inst. Mech. Biomech., Bulg. Acad. Sci., Bl. 8 Geo Milev
The paper investigates post critical deformations of the shells under consideration, by using an A-variational principle modified for shells with linear heredity in (1). Supposing that creep parameter γe ≪ Λ, asymptotic formulas for both the lower critical pressure and normal deflection are obtained. A tendency to growth of the normal deflection and to decrease of the lower critical pressure is observed.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 086-090 (1983)
Peeling of an Elastic Material From a Solid Spherical Insclusion and under Full Cohesion in the Contact Region V. Valeva Inst. Mech. Biomech., Bulg. Acad. Sci., BI. 8 Geo Milev
What is solved is an axisymmetrical problem, involving a spatially loaded infinite material with a solid spherical inclusion and peeling of the matrix. A system of singular integral equations is obtained. It is solved by using quadratic formula which take into consideration solution's oscillations near the peeling boundary.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 14 Issue 2 pp. 091-101 (1983)