Print ISSN: 0861-6663 Online ISSN: 1314-8710
Issue 0 |
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 0 Issue 0 (999) |
EFFECT OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DIFFERENT CORROSION LEVEL ON THE REPAIR EFFICIENCY OF MARINE AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES BY BONDED COMPOSITE B. Belarbi1, M.S. Bennouna2,3, K. Sadek2, E. Abdelouahed2, B.A. Bachir Bouiadjra4, A. Talha5 1University of Tlemcen, Algeria 2LABAB Laboratory, National Polytechnic School Maurice Audin, Oran, 31000, Algeria 3Applied Science Faculty, Kasdi Merbah University, Waregla 30000, Algeria 4LMPM Laboratory, University of Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria 5Lille Mechanics Unit, University of Lille, (UML, EA 7512), University of Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
In this research paper, we examined the effectiveness of
repairing corroded marine structures using bonded composites through finite
element analysis (FEM) to evaluate the J Integral. Our focus is to provide
an overview of the behavior of a cracked and corroded plate repaired with a
boron patch and bonded with (Araldite 2015). To obtain optimized results, we
studied the effects of eight corrosion levels under different loading and
temperature conditions. The selected temperatures were T = 80℃
and room temperature T = 25℃. The structure is under different
mechanical loading of amplitude F = 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340,
360 MPa.The analysis shows that increasing loading and corrosion levels
result an increase in J Integral. The detachment of patches was evaluated
under high loading (F = 360 MPa) for corrosion level a = 4.0 mm/year.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 0 Issue 0 pp. (999)
TRANSVERSE CRACK AND MASS UNBALANCE INTERACTION IN A SPINNING ROTOR: A THEORETICAL STUDY Nabam Teyi, Sandeep Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, India - 791109
This paper investigates the response of a cracked rotor to varying
angles between the crack front and the unbalanced force vector caused by
changing centrifugal forces. A rotor with a switching crack is first
mathematically represented, and then the response is generated using
SIMULINK. At varied angles, the combined effect of crack and imbalance is
observed. Maximum and minimum rotor deflection values are depicted on the
orbit plots, and their difference with respect to the angles are noted. For
various harmonics and vibration amplitudes, a full-spectrum Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) is conducted. Using FFT plots, the critical amplitude of
vibrations for each variable angle is determined, and observations are
given. This report finishes with some concluding remarks.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 0 Issue 0 pp. (999)
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT VISCOSITY ON THERMAL INSTABILITY OF OLDROYDIAN VISCOELASTIC FLUID LAYER SATURATING POROUS MEDIUM Joginder Singh Dhiman1, Praveen K. Sharma2, Khushboo Gupta1 1Himachal Pradesh University, Department of Mathematics ¨ Statistics, Shimla, India, 171005 2Himachal Pradesh University, University Institute of Technology (UIT), Shimla, India, 171005
The effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on the onset of thermal convection in a viscoelastic fluid-saturating porous medium is studied for different cases of combination of rigid and dynamically free boundaries, Darcy-Brinkman-Oldroyd model is considered to investigate the rheological behaviour of the fluid. A necessary condition for the existence of overstability is derived, analytically. The values of critical Darcy-Rayleigh numbers for both stationary and oscillatory convection with linear and exponential viscosity variations (i.e. temperature-dependent viscosity) are computed numerically, using the Galerkin technique. The effects of rheological parameters, modified Darcy number, wave number and variable viscosity parameter on the stability of the system are computed numerically and depicted graphically for each case of combinations of boundary conditions. It is observed that the viscoelastic parameters; stress relaxation time and strain retardation time do not affect the onset of stationary convection, whereas the stress relaxation time has destabilizing effect and strain retardation time has stabilizing effect on the onset of oscillatory convection. It is also found that the temperature-dependent viscosity and modified Darcy number have a stabilizing effect on the onset of stationary as well as oscillatory convection for each case of boundary conditions.
JTAM, Sofia, vol. 0 Issue 0 pp. (999)