Print ISSN: 0861-6663 Online ISSN: 1314-8710
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is a quarterly publication of the National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. It publishes original research papers and invited survey articles in all areas of Mechanics, preferably accessible to a broad public.
Papers submitted must contain original unpublished work and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. They must be written in standard grammatical English; this is the responsibility of the authors.All contributions will be blind peer reviewed and only those deemed worthy and suitable will be accepted for publication. The Editor has the final decision. To facilitate the reviewing process, authors are encouraged to suggest up to three persons competent to review their manuscript. Such suggestions will be taken into consideration but not always accepted. If authors would prefer a specific person not be a reviewer, this should be announced.
The Journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
Copyright. Upon acceptance of a paper, authors will be asked to complete a "Copyright Transfer Agreement".
For publication, ethical standards ensure high-quality scientific publications, along with public trust in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their ideas.Plagiarism: All articles published by Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics are dedicated for publishing only original manuscripts. Plagiarism usually involves the use of writings belonging to others. Also, the term can be applied to copying of part of own previously published study without appropriate citation. Such self-plagiarism is not tolerable in academic writing and authors are requested to mention previous work in an appropriate manner. As the work already published by an author becomes a property of scientific literature in actual sense and it cannot be duplicated. Therefore, documents that are plagiarized will incur plagiarism consents.
Duplicate Submission: A publication that overlaps or relates substantially with any article that is already published or in press, is considered as duplicate or redundant publication. Duplicate or redundant submission is identical manuscript (or having the similar data) that is submitted to various journals at the same time. International copyright laws, ethical conduct, and cost effective use of resource ensures the originality of the submitted manuscript. A duplicate publication is a violation and will invite for prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript.
If the author is re-using a figure that is published or that has been copyrighted, then author must provide documentation from the previous publisher or the copyright holder permission for the figure to be re-published. In case, author was not aware of the violation code and if the material has been published, then a notice of duplicate material submission and the ethical violation will incur.
Citation Manipulation: Any submitted document, which is found to contain citations whose basic objective is to increase the number of citations of a given author's article published in a specific journal will incur citation manipulation consents.
Data Falsification or Fabrication: The submitted document that is identified to have fabrication or falsified the experimental results like manipulation of images will also incur falsification or fabrication consents.
Conflicts of Interest: In order to maintain the transparency and help readers to form their own judgments of potential bias, authors should declare any competing financial interests in regards to the work being described or presented. During submission, policy entails that every author should reveal if any, financial interests or collaborations, direct or indirect, which may raise the question of conflict or bias in the submitted work or in the conclusions, opinions given or implications, or any other sources of funding for related direct or indirect academic competition.
However, in case of manuscript acceptance, Conflict of Interest information should be mentioned in a published statement.
Permissions to reproduce previously published material: Permission is essential to reproduce material from the copyright holder. Articles cannot be directly published without these permissions.
Papers should be submitted to the Journal Editorial Office by using (recomended) the link https://jtam.imbm.bas.bg/index.php/jtam/information/authors or by e-mail: www.jtambg.eu. The paper should be prepared by:- MS Word (Times New Roman, 11 pt. on A4 paper format with margins — top, bottom 55.5 mm; left, right 39.5 mm, single spacing, in one column); or
- LaTeX (the style file can be downloaded from JTAM-macro package).
GENERAL INSTRUCTION for Manuscript Preparation
Readability of the journal is an important consideration. Authors are urged to take special care in assuring that their manuscripts are well-organized and clearly written in good scientific English.
Title: The title should be concise but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval.Author's Name(s) & Affiliation(s): Full author's names are preferred. Complete mailing addresses, including e-mail, of all authors are required. The corresponding author should be clearly identified.
Abstract & Key Words: The abstract should be self-contained (no footnotes are allowed). It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given) and as a summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). It should be about 5% of the length of the article, but less than 120 words.
In addition, a short list of key words should be provided.
Sections and Subsections: The sections should be numbered with Arabic numerals and continued through the whole text in the same fashion (including Conclusions).
Formulae and symbols must be written legibly and clearly. Such characters e.g. 0 (numeral) and O (letter), 1 (numeral) and l (letter) that are easily confused should be distinguished clearly. The numbering of the formulae must be done in Arabic numerals, in small brackets, and on the left-hand side of the corresponding formula.
Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively. Line drawings should be supplied as clear sharp prints, suitable for direct reproduction and not exceed sizes (sub-figure (a), (b) etc. width 60 mm, height 70 mm). Diagrams must be drawn in black ink on a white background. Lettering should be in proportion to the overall dimensions of the diagrams. Lines and symbols must be drawn clearly enough to allow reduction, as well major and minor ticks must be drawn inside diagrams. Shaded areas should be indicated by hatching or cross-hatching, as fine dots are not picked up in reproduction. Writing formulae or explanations on the diagram itself should be avoided. Authors should refer to the line drawings as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc., and any sub-sections as (a), (b) etc. and insertion points indicated within the text. Figure legends, clearly identified, should be written on a separate page. Figures may be sent as files in CDR, PCX, BMP, WMF, EPS, TIFF, GIF or PS graphic formats, a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (gray scale) is required.
References should be given at the end of the paper and should be numbered between square brackets in the order of appearance in the text. In the text, each reference should be numbered between square brackets as well (in increasing order).
Reference Style Examples:
article in journal:[1] W. Kieffer, S. Moujaes, N. Armbya (2006) CFD Study of Section Characteristics of Formula Mazda Race Car Wings. Mathematical and Computer Modelling Journal 43 (2) 1275–1287; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcm.2005.03.011.
book: C. Shu (2000) ''Differential Quadrature and Its Application in Engineering''. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 207–223.
in books with editors: L. Softova (2007) Singular Integral Operators in Functional Spaces of Morrey Type. In: N.M. Chuong, P.G. Ciarlet, P. Lax, D. Mumford, D.H. Phong (eds) ''Advances in Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis''. World Scientific, pp. 331–42.
in books series with editors: M. Audin, F. Lalonde, L. Polterovich (1994) Symplectic Rigidity: Lagrangian Submanifolds. In: M. Audin, J. Lafontaine (eds) ''Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry''. Progress in Mathematics vol. 117, Birkhäuser, Basel, pp. 271–321; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8508-9_11.
in proceedings: D. Backman, M. Martinez (2013) Validation of Structural Health and Load Monitoring Platforms Using Digital Image Correlation. In: Proceedings of 27th ICAF Symposium, Jerusalem, Israel, 5-7 June 2013.
prensentation at meeting or conference: X. Hu, R. Zhang, J. Ye, X. Yan, Z. Zhao (2011) Influence of Different Diffuser Angle on Sedan's Aerodynamic Characteristics. Presented at International Conference on Physics Science and Technology (ICPST 2011).
online periodicals published only electronically: P.K. Romano (accessed Oct. 13, 2013) The OpenMC Monte Carlo Code – OpenMC Documentation. http://mit-crpg-github.io/openmc.